New Szenttamási Dairy Shop in Budapest
After conquering the eastern region of the country, at the end of 2023 Szenttamási Milk will open its first Budapest sample shop in the Great Market Hall, ... Mehr...
After conquering the eastern region of the country, at the end of 2023 Szenttamási Milk will open its first Budapest sample shop in the Great Market Hall, ... Mehr...
Honorary Kazakh Consul László Horváth, President and CEO of LAC Holding Zrt, participated in the 6th session of the Hungarian-Kazakh Strategic Council. The... Mehr...
The Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County Self-Government - with the support of the Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County Directorate of the National Chamber of Agri... Mehr...
The University of Veterinary Medicine and Rákvakcina BVM Kft created and equipped a separate laboratory for the research program, which specializes in a ne... Mehr...
The educational division of MÁV-REC Railway Engineering Corporation participated as an exhibitor at the Hungarian Railway Conference organized by Hungrail ... Mehr...