Productive Kazakh-Hungarian cooperation in the agricultural sector
Organized by HUKZ-Agro Llc., on July 17, 2023, the Kazakh delegation visited the Fruit Growing Research Station in Újfehértó and discussed the potential of... more...
Organized by HUKZ-Agro Llc., on July 17, 2023, the Kazakh delegation visited the Fruit Growing Research Station in Újfehértó and discussed the potential of... more... more...
The products of Szenttamási Milk were also presented in Budapest at the Pentecost Fair held in the Capital Market Hall. The fresh domestic dairy products w... more...
The Törökszentmiklósi Mezőgazdasági Plc., which started intensive growth with Szenttamási milk in the eastern and southeastern regions of the country, coul... more...
The Honorable Kazakh Consulate celebrated its 25th anniversary on March 24, 2023, at the City Hall of Karcag. At the event, the Mayor of Karcag, Tibor Szep... more...