Cleaning up contaminated environment with living plants (phytoremediation)
Human activities, such as industrial production, agriculture and transport, result in significant pollutant emission. Cleaning the contaminated environment... Mehr...
Human activities, such as industrial production, agriculture and transport, result in significant pollutant emission. Cleaning the contaminated environment... Mehr...
This series aims to provide a more comprehensive picture of the work and developments of the GINOP program by introducing on our website some of the instru... Mehr...
For smoothing the increased traffic flow, CER SLOVAKIA AS and CER HUNGARY ZRT. leased new locomotives. Two multi-system 186 MS locomotives, of which 186 36... Mehr...
On 12 December, the research groups of the Törökszentmiklósi Mezőgazdasági Zrt’s Pannon Breeding GINOP 2.2.1-15-2017-00042 program held a research day in A... Mehr...
A Törökszentmiklósi Mezőgazdasági Zrt. (TM Zrt.) hosszú távú mezőgazdasági, fejlesztési és termesztési program kidolgozásán és megvalósításán munkálkodik, ... Mehr...