Mycorrhizal plants for a healthier human environment
The Pannon Breeding professional article titled „Mycorrhizal plants for a healthier human environment” that was publish in the May issue of Mezőhír magazin... Mehr...
The Pannon Breeding professional article titled „Mycorrhizal plants for a healthier human environment” that was publish in the May issue of Mezőhír magazin... Mehr...
Within the framework of the GINOP program, the aim of the herbaceous perennial working group is to study the drought and salinity tolerance of native plant... Mehr...
The renewable, interchangeable and easily repairable pallets made of wood play a crucial role in Hungary’s and the Eurpean Union’s supply chain. Since 1964... Mehr...
The wood industry institute in Dresden in one of its studies between 2018 February and 2019 December compared the microbiological characteristics of the co... Mehr...
A koronavírus járvánnyal kapcsolatosan az alábbi tájékoztatást adjuk. Az Információs és Technológiai Minisztérium 2020.05.07-én kiadott Útmutatója alapj... Mehr...